First, I requested a 20 minute notification via the warranty company, so I would not miss a lot of work. No problem they said. The repairman gave me a 30 minute notification, but then did not leave the other job for another 15 minutes, so I waited 45 unnecessary minutes before he even showed up.
Then the repairman arrives. I was shocked by his appearance. He is pale, huffing & puffing & sweating & out of breath so bad he can barely talk, that I think he's going to have a heart attack as he walks in the door. I'm thinking, "should this guy even be working or should he be in the ER?"
He somehow climbs down & lays on the floor in front of the dishwasher. He unscrews the base to the dishwasher, does a couple of things, and will not even tell me what he is doing, and is clearly irritated by my multiple questions. Then the dishwasher works, and again, he won't tell me what he did until I ask him 3 times. He says he unjammed the motor. Again, no more explanation until I pepper him with questions. He says this is common especially when the DW isn't used for long periods of time. He will not tell me what "long periods of time" means.
Then he asked for the warranty co-pay, $55 for 5 minutes work. I know it's cheap in comparison to some service charges, but come on, $55 for 5 minutes!!! I told him that was highway robbery, and was shocked he was even charging me especially when other stores would & have done the same for free. He denied that happens, after all, he's been doing this work for 38 years. He's da expert!
So, beware, and if you have a Fidelity National Home Warranty, Golden State is on THE list.