About The New Blackstone Community
Posted 29 June 2008 - 12:53 AM
Posted 29 June 2008 - 09:36 PM
we were going to buy too, but after finding that out we decided to just rent a nice house and wait for prices to hit rock bottom. it's not like prices are going to go up again any time soon. at best they will just stabilize, and that is the time to buy.
good luck!
Posted 30 June 2008 - 07:42 AM
I have conducted extensive research on this and I do have to concur with Aprilfool71 on this. There were lots of promises when the development first openned up, but now you have buildres such as Cambridge and parkland balking and and looks like they may be pulling out. Centex washed their hands off and now you are left with lennar.
The clubhouse is complete, but will not open for another 2-3 years because they do not have $$ to operate it so now they are giving memberships to the edh soprts club. Schools and parks are a good 3-5 years away. My biggest fear is that what if Lennar says screw it , we are not making enough $$ and it makes financial sense for us to completely pull out and halt development. There are documented cases in Elk Grove where a builder competely shut down development and left unfinished houses, no schools, parks, etc. So the contractors and subcontractors started putting liens on some of the propertyies that were completed. It was a huge headache for the folks that bought there. Now I do not think it will get that bad, but you have to be extremely careful. Who cares if yuou are getting a screaming deal when there is no trees, parks, schools and you have to wait 3- 5 years for that???
Posted 30 June 2008 - 08:21 AM
Posted 30 June 2008 - 08:26 AM
The wave of the future is to build 1-4 homes at a time (instead of 15-20). Once those homes are "sold out", then create a buzz and out folks on waiting lists. All marketing.
Posted 30 June 2008 - 08:47 AM
Posted 30 June 2008 - 10:25 AM
Ok now it makes sense. What you are referring to is the last homes of Centex. Centex pulledout/was forced out by Lennar. They never really "sold out". I love how these new home salesfolks try to put a nice spin like a politician. Lennar (the builder that you passed on your left side) has lots of homes. In fact they are the ONLY builder left at that development. Trust me when I say that no one has sold out of anything. If anything, they are trying to wash their hands off with losses and get out before it gets worst in 2009 and beyond.
Posted 30 June 2008 - 10:30 AM
Posted 30 June 2008 - 11:45 AM
Thanks all for the comments. I will keep a watch how things turn out there.
Posted 30 June 2008 - 12:31 PM
agreed 150%. As a buyer/consumer, you are in a driver seat now. The builders will sell you not only a home, but a DREAM of a "supposed" community with all the amenities, but during these very hard times, it is so difficult for a builder to go through quarter after quarter of losses. Something has to give. Corners have to be cut. Quality has to be compromised. Promises have to be broken. Its all about PROFIT.
Posted 30 June 2008 - 12:55 PM

Posted 30 June 2008 - 01:30 PM

I figure that you may say "tomaaaaato" and I say "towmawwwwto", but at least we are talking about veggetables. We both feel passionately about EDH and we may differ about Serrano, but the bottom line is that we both pay property taxes, melloo roos, HOA, and other taxes and we both wish that all these charges were at least 50R% lesser so we could go to vacation with the $$ saved every year. Am I wrong?
Posted 15 July 2008 - 10:28 AM
Posted 15 July 2008 - 12:21 PM
We have a Centex home as well (in Serrano, though) and are pretty happy with it. The previous owners didn't treat it very well, so there are a few cosmetic blemishes, but the house itself seems to be great.
One nice thing about EDH - there's really not much traffic to speak of anywhere in town, at least compared with much of Folsom.
Posted 15 July 2008 - 12:42 PM
We have a Centex home as well (in Serrano, though) and are pretty happy with it. The previous owners didn't treat it very well, so there are a few cosmetic blemishes, but the house itself seems to be great.
One nice thing about EDH - there's really not much traffic to speak of anywhere in town, at least compared with much of Folsom.
I am glad to hear that you have positive feedback with Centex. Agreeing on a builder is like agreeing on which is the best burrito shop in Folsom (Chipotle and Rubios are mine). I had THE worst luck with our Centex home in EDH (serrnao). It seemed like it was not insulated properly as it leaked oputside air from many different locations of the home. We contacted customer care and they came in a few times and put a temp band aid on it.
Our rental home in Folsom with Beazer, which is the cheapest builder ever, is constructed much better than Centex. I called them last year about a cracked window and they fixed it within a week. This is 6 years AFTER we bought the home. Thats what I call Customer Service !!!
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