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Arizona Congresswoman Shot In The Head At Public Event

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#1 camay2327



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Posted 08 January 2011 - 11:47 AM

Arizona Congresswoman Shot in the Head at Public Event

Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head at close range by a gunman Saturday morning outside a grocery store in Tucson while holding a public event, Fox News has confirmed.

Eight others were shot, including three of the Arizona Democrat's aides, at Giffords' "Your Corner" event held at a Safeway grocery story. A suspect is in custody.

The three staffers who were shot worked out of Giffords' Arizona office.

Giffords has held multiple "Your Corner" events over the past four years, the aide told Fox News, adding that she had held three previous events that this venue before.

In November, Giffords was re-elected to her third term as representative of Arizona's 8th Congressional District. She is married to astronaut Mark Kelly.


A VETERAN Whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America" for an amount "up to and including their life". That is HONOR, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it. -Author unknown-

#2 Dave Burrell

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Posted 08 January 2011 - 11:48 AM

Arizona Congresswoman Shot in the Head at Public Event

Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head at close range by a gunman Saturday morning outside a grocery store in Tucson while holding a public event, Fox News has confirmed.

Eight others were shot, including three of the Arizona Democrat's aides, at Giffords' "Your Corner" event held at a Safeway grocery story. A suspect is in custody.

The three staffers who were shot worked out of Giffords' Arizona office.

Giffords has held multiple "Your Corner" events over the past four years, the aide told Fox News, adding that she had held three previous events that this venue before.

In November, Giffords was re-elected to her third term as representative of Arizona's 8th Congressional District. She is married to astronaut Mark Kelly.

That's some crazy stuff, I look foward to finding out more about this and the person who did it. The news is saying the congresswoman may not be dead, she's currently in surgery

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#3 camay2327



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Posted 08 January 2011 - 11:55 AM

The news is now saying that she has not died and is in surgery.
A VETERAN Whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America" for an amount "up to and including their life". That is HONOR, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it. -Author unknown-

#4 camay2327



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Posted 08 January 2011 - 01:09 PM


A VETERAN Whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America" for an amount "up to and including their life". That is HONOR, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it. -Author unknown-

#5 palango


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Posted 08 January 2011 - 02:44 PM

This also qualifies as an act off terrorism. Jared Lee Loughner (the suspect) should be afforded the same justice to any Al Qaeda terrorist.

I am going to withhold total judgement for now, but I smell the fowl stench of Palin and team party sympathizer who listened too much to foxnews and "obamacare"/birther BS. No wonder why there are over 45 MILLION Americans with only a fourth grade education that can be absolutely brainwashed into anything. If I am right in my guess, then it would be interesting to see what the foxnews pundits and all the "outrage" that will come from the GOP/tea party side.

Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, said the attack was committed by a "wicked person who has no sense of justice or compassion."
Whoever did this, whatever their reason, they are a disgrace to Arizona, this country and the human race, and they deserve and will receive the contempt of all decent people and the strongest punishment of the law," he said.

Why don't these politicians just man up and call it for what it is... TERRORISM!!!!!!


#6 (MaxineR)

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Posted 08 January 2011 - 02:48 PM

There's a lot of nuts out there.

Aways has been....always will be.


#7 The Average Joe

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Posted 08 January 2011 - 03:42 PM

"I've spoken to Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and have offered her the full resources of the government," Obama said in live remarks to the nation.

Too bad that wasn't the quote from O regarding Arizona's immigration battles.

As to Palango's rant...

Nutcases abound...there is no political prerequisite for mental instability... AND if you had bothered to read my extensive post a while back on Presidential assassination attempts, you'd see more leftist/anarchists guilty than hard right anti-government cults. Actually, the majority were just what this one seems to be...a mentally unbalanced person looking to "make a name for himself."
Interestingly, that theme comes up over and over in In The President's Secret Service, which chronicles the creation of the service and the incidents they have dealt with. There is definitely a common theme in the profile of these type of people. And Tea Party membership is not one of them.

The dude shot 19 and killed 5, including a 9 year old... no punishment would ever be enough for him... let's stay focused on the crime and victims...Obama quote retracted.

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive" -- C.S. Lewis


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#8 palango


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Posted 08 January 2011 - 04:04 PM

Too bad that wasn't the quote from O regarding Arizona's immigration battles.

As to Palango's rant...

Nutcases abound...there is no political prerequisite for mental instability...

The dude shot 19 and killed 5, including a 9 year old... no punishment would ever be enough for him... let's stay focused on the crime and victims...Obama quote retracted.

agreed that there is no prerequisites for nutjobs on either side of the isle, but why wont people have the GUTS to call what it is. An act of Terror. Just because the idiots name is not Mohammed and is not from the Middle eastern Decent does not excuse the media, politicians, and other blind and brainwashed followers to turn the other way. Do you honestly believe that Palin, Beck, and others will call this Terrorism?????

#9 Runner



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Posted 08 January 2011 - 04:14 PM

I agree, this is terrorism and should be addressed as so, just like when hardcore religious right bomb abortion clinics and such, that is terrorism! Some people are crazy! So many effected by this persons stupidness.

#10 palango


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Posted 08 January 2011 - 04:19 PM

(CNN) -- A friend of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords said she was "always willing to talk to her constituents," and that her returning to Tucson for a town hall meeting in the days after Congress had convened was typical.

Giffords, 40, was one of 18 people shot at a Tucson, Arizona, grocery store Saturday at what she called "My 1st Congress on Your Corner," in a tweet shortly before she was shot.

Giffords' condition still was critical after surgery Saturday for a gunshot wound to the head, but doctors were optimistic of her chances for surviving.

"She was an incredible public servant," said Sylvia Lee, president of Pima County Community College in Tucson. "She was a moderate Democrat who was willing to talk to both sides."

Giffords is married to NASA astronaut Mark Kelly, a Navy captain who is scheduled to fly the April space shuttle mission to the international space station. Lee said that Giffords has no children but was stepmother to Kelly's two children.

Posted ImageRep. Giffords reads the 1st AmendmentPosted ImageObama: Shooting is a tragedyPosted ImageGov. Brewer: Unbelievable tragedy in AZPosted ImageMarch 2010: Dems' offices vandalizedCNN's Dana Bash had a conversation with Giffords on Friday at the Capitol and Giffords told her that she had taken a trip to Rome with her family over the holidays and had been able to attend Midnight Mass in the Vatican.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-New York, called Giffords a "wonderful, perky, woman."

Nadler said that she is "very popular in not a terribly popular Democratic district.

Giffords narrowly beat Tea Party-backed Republican Jesse Kelly in November, 49-47 percent.

Lee said that Giffords and Rep. Raul Grijalva, a fellow Arizona Democrat, had received threats in the past.

Grijalva confirmed the threats to CNN affiliate KVOA, "But for her to say, I will not go out there and do my job and be with constituents because of this -- no, never.

"She is fearless," he said.

Known as a "Blue Dog," or moderate, Democrat, Giffords was a key swing vote in last year's health care reform debate. She didn't make up her mind to vote for the legislation until the final days before the ultimate passing vote. A glass panel at her Tucson.

A glass panel at her Tucson office was shattered the day after the vote. Spokesman C.J. Karamargin told CNN then that staffers suspected someone shot a pellet gun at the glass.

Giffords is serving her third term in Congress, first elected in 2006. She generally voted with her party but voted against the auto bailout bill and was one of 19 Democrats to vote against former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's bid to become the Democrats' minority leader in the wake of last year's midterm elections that returned Republicans to power in the House.

Giffords served on term in the Arizona House of Representatives and is the youngest woman elected to the Arizona state Senate.

She was employed by Price Waterhouse Coopers and served as CEO and president of El Campo Tire, her family's business, before she was elected to the Arizona House.

Giffords and Grijalva were two of the three candidates that MSNBC's "Countdown" host Keith Olbermann was suspended for making campaign contributions The other candidate was Democratic Jack Conway, who was running for the U.S. Senate seat won by Rand Paul.

#11 palango


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Posted 08 January 2011 - 04:23 PM

Nut jobs are everywhere, BUT like I smelled it. This is the work of Palin/Beck/Foxnews sympathisizer who has the same genetic defect as the "birther" "Obamacare" idiots who have NO clue what the hell they are talking about.

The AP has reported that the gunman has been identified as Jared Loughner. There's still uncertainty about Loughner's motives and politics. But a Youtube video posted under the name Jared Lee Loughner of Tucson proposes creating a "new currency," and rails against non-English speakers "in District 8" -- Giffords's congressional district.

But it's worth noting that Giffords -- who in 2006 became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, at 36 -- has, for more than a year, been the target of violence-tinged rhetoric from political opponents and of threats that appear to have come from right-wing activists.

Asked by the New York Post whether his daughter had any enemies, Giffords's father replied: "The whole tea party."

In August 2009, an attendee at a Giffords town-hall meeting dropped a handgun, leading Giffords's staff to call the police. "We have never felt the need before to notify law enforcement when we hold these events," her spokesman said at the time.

After Giffords voted in favor of the [color=#366388 !important][color=#366388 !important]health-care [color=#366388 !important]overhaul[/color][/color][/color] in March, she said that vandals had broken the glass door of her Tucson office. "The rhetoric is incredibly heated, not just the calls but the emails, the slurs," she told [color="#366388"][color=#366388 !important][color=#366388 !important]MSNBC[/color][/color][/color] at the time. "Things have really gotten spun up."

She added: "We do have these polarized parts of our parties that really get excited, and that's where ... all of us have to come together and say, 'OK, there's a fine line here.' "

#12 (MaxineR)

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Posted 08 January 2011 - 05:00 PM

It's really hard to except that there are people who will stoop to this sort of violence when they disagree with something the government or it's representatives do.

No doubt, the same sort of people who will resort to this kind of violence, will point fingers of blame towards others, who had no involvement in it. This would be senseless and unproductive, and just stirs the feelings of anger in others who may also be mentally deranged enough to take violent action themselves.

Nobody who as any morals would except this sort of senseless violence and anyone with a brain knows this sort of action accomplishes nothing.

It's time to stop a say a silent prayer for those who have suffered harm or loss in this incident and the families who love them. Not point fingers and feed the hate.

#13 palango


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Posted 08 January 2011 - 05:33 PM

It's really hard to except that there are people who will stoop to this sort of violence when they disagree with something the government or it's representatives do.

No doubt, the same sort of people who will resort to this kind of violence, will point fingers of blame towards others, who had no involvement in it. This would be senseless and unproductive, and just stirs the feelings of anger in others who may also be mentally deranged enough to take violent action themselves.

Nobody who as any morals would except this sort of senseless violence and anyone with a brain knows this sort of action accomplishes nothing.

It's time to stop a say a silent prayer for those who have suffered harm or loss in this incident and the families who love them. Not point fingers and feed the hate.

I love it how these very voices of reason today are THE first to point fingers when a REAL terrorist with a middle eastern name strikes, but when an angry WHITE male acts our in a CLEAR terrorist like fashion, its just "an act of violence". No one admits terrorism when its their own skin color.

But a Youtube video posted under the name Jared Lee Loughner of Tucson proposes creating a "new currency," and rails against non-English speakers "in District 8" -- Giffords's congressional district.

After Giffords voted in favor of the in March, she said that vandals had broken the glass door of her Tucson office. "The rhetoric is incredibly heated, not just the calls but the emails, the slurs," she told at the time. "Things have really gotten spun up."

#14 palango


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Posted 08 January 2011 - 06:20 PM

"If I define terrorist then a terrorist is a person who employsterror or terrorism, especially as a political weapon.

I define terrorist.

Thus a terrorist is a person who employs terror or terrorism,especially as a political weapon.

If you call me a terrorist then the argument to call me aterrorist is Ad hominem.

You call me a terrorist.

Thus the argument to call me a terrorist is Ad hominem."

Jared Loughner

Terrorists come in all sizes, shapes, colors, and religions. A nut job is a nut job. Thus, Palin, Beck and other tea party crazies teaching hate are equally responsible for this.


How can Sarah Palin offer her "heartfelt" condolescences to Rep. Gabrielle Gifford and the other innocent victims of today's tragedy when she irresponsibly listed Rep. Gabrielle Gifford among 20 other members of Congress featured on her hit list with targeting crosshairs of their individual congressional districts? Sarah Palin is simply too irresponsible and and lacks the intellectual capacity to uphold any elected office, especially the presidency.

Sarah nut-job should be charged with inciting violence. What did she think that putting crosshairs wouldn't be picked up by the rest of the tea nuts?

#15 camay2327



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Posted 08 January 2011 - 06:52 PM


Arizona Rep. Giffords shot, 6 killed in rampage

TUCSON, Ariz. – Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head Saturday by a gunman who opened fire outside a grocery store during a meeting with voters, killing a federal judge and five others in a rampage that rattled the country and left Americans questioning whether divisive politics had pushed the suspect over the edge.

Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik said Giffords was the target of a gunman whom he described as mentally unstable and possibly acting along with an accomplice. He said Giffords was among 13 people wounded in the melee that killed six people, including Arizona's chief federal judge, a 9-year-old girl and an aide for the Democratic lawmaker. He said the rampage ended only after two people tackled the gunman.

// go to website below //

A VETERAN Whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America" for an amount "up to and including their life". That is HONOR, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it. -Author unknown-

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