Save $15 and a lot of time!
Folsom Live is just around the corner, coming to the Folsom Historic District on September 24. With 12 bands on 4 stages, this is bound to be the party of the year.
In order to ensure the best time and the best price, take heed of my top 10 tips!
1 . Buy your tickets in advance! That will save you time and money right off the bat. Ticket prices are $10 higher at the gate, and there's always a long line of late-comers. Last year, hundreds showed up to buy at the gate and were pretty mad when they had to wait in a long line.
2. Use the secret code to a $5 discount on Folsom Live! tickets. That's right, as a proud sponsor of Folsom Live!, I can offer you a $5 discount off of general admission tickets if you enter myfolsom16 in the promo code box. You're welcome. Get tickets here:
3. DO NOT DRIVE TO THE HISTORIC DISTRICT! It will be packed and there ain't no parking. The parking garage is reserved for bands, staff and security. With street closures, there will be traffic jams and confusion. Instead, drive to Palladio and use the lot near Whole Foods, go to Walmart or the park and ride lot at Glenn and Folsom Blvd for a free shuttle. Another alternative is to take a free ride on RT (light rail). That's right, you can ride for free with your ticket. Either way, you arrive in comfort, without hassle, and both the shuttles and RT run until midnight.
4. Where to buy your drinks/drink tickets. Once inside, don't buy your drink tickets or beverages from the first booth you see. Avoid the lines and the bottleneck by heading toward the Trader Lane (main) stage. I watch every year as people pile up at the booths just inside the gate, while closer to the main stage, the area is wide open, with more drink choices and no lines. As an added bonus, your date or friends will think you're a cool insider when you say, 'Let's not buy our drinks or tickets here, I know a better spot.'
5. Bring enough cash. Cash may not always be king, but it's always quick. Although there will be a couple of ATMs, save yourself some time and money by bringing cash for drink tickets and food purchases. Speaking of drink tickets, if you have some from last year, bring 'em! They're still good. Additionally, you can save time again buy buying enough to last you through the night. If you don't use them this year, we'll see you next.
6. Plan your music experience. Check out the band videos and their schedules ahead of time. Know who you want to see and when they are playing. See the videos and bios here
7. Eat something! There will be great food trucks at the event, and if you want to grab a bite later, hit up one of Sutter Street's great restaurants. Two of newbies will be experiencing their first Folsom Live; Sutter Street Taqueria and Marley and Moo. You can't go wrong with either one. .
8. Volunteer. Want to get in for free while giving back to your community? Volunteer! It's a fun way to enjoy the festivities from a different point of view. The 7pm to 11pm shift really needs you.
9. Dance! Don't be afraid to get your boogie on. This is your last chance before the weather changes.
10. Be nice! The police, fire, volunteers, and Chamber of Commerce staff are there to make sure you have a good, safe time. Do your part. Be nice and encourage niceness.
If you follow my advice, you will find Folsom Live! to be one of the best nights of the year, and you'll understand why it's become 'Folsolm's Favorite Night Out'.
For more info, go to
Have a great time, and see me emceeing the main (Trader Lane) stage
by Steve Heard